You can only imagine how delighted I was to be invited to their home to help them value their house to sell. Their home really reflected their personalities. It had such a warm and genuine feeling to it and Sarah's kitchen makeover was amazing. I hope to help them put their lovely house on the market in the spring.
But, for now I want to talk about Hand Crank Films, which Max founded.
I get really giddy when I find an awesome local business like his in Bellingham. That makes me even more proud to be a Bellinghamster. I just read an article about his firm in Puget Sound Business Journal. Here is the full story. Check it out!
I really loved Max's tips for success because lately I have given a lot of thought to investing in outside marketing to push my real estate business to the next level in this tough market. Maybe it is the sign that I should.
Hand Crank’s Max Kaiser explains his tips for success.
1. Build projects on meaning rather than price: We’ve always succeeded most when we’ve concentrated on meaning, or telling our client’s story to the best of our ability, regardless of price.
2. Double down in a bad market: A downturn in the economy is a great (though admittedly scary) time to make investments in your processes, your infrastructure, and your people.
3. The importance of good people: Some companies don’t realize that their brand is an extension of their culture. And that culture is defined by what happens inside the company. So hiring the right people isn’t a luxury, it’s an imperative